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Comment by shswkna

16 days ago

As a counter argument, every mammal born outside of a domesticated setting/structure is quite wild. Horses may seem wild because they are fast movers.

Sheep and Cows will also act wild if not domesticated; they are just not fast by nature.

Even humans can be on the extreme wild spectrum if not domesticated. There is plenty of evidence even to this day.

> Sheep and Cows will also act wild if not domesticated; they are just not fast by nature.

What does that mean? Do you mean feral animals? Non-domesticated cows went extinct hundreds of years ago [1]

> Even humans can be on the extreme wild spectrum if not domesticated. There is plenty of evidence even to this day.

What evidence? What is a non-domesticated human?

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aurochs#Extinction