Comment by giantg2

16 days ago

All the things you mentioned were normally handled without phones a generation ago. They should be able to get medical exceptions for medical devices.

Yeah, schools have a history of issues. However, this policy isn't really new. It was in place when I went to school and there were no issues.

> They should be able to get medical exceptions for medical devices.

Keyword "should".

> The schools have agreed that if any phone is used by a pupil during the school day, it will be confiscated.

Yep, the "easy" and extremely irresponsible solution.

> It was in place when I went to school and there were no issues.

Good for you, but

  • We're talking about phones, not lifesaving medication.

    • Exactly, schools even get things horribly wrong when it is literally life or death. How much more wrong do they get if the stakes are lower?

      Leave it to the parents not the schools!