Comment by michaelt

16 days ago

I agree that teachers should be able to enforce discipline in schools.

With that said, I've got no idea what schools should do about things like sexting.

If I was a teacher and I confiscated a phone which might have illegal photos of underage students on it, I wouldn't want to turn a blind eye to that. But I also sure as hell wouldn't want to search it myself. I'd want that done by someone of unimpeachable character.

of course, in case of explicit images, i 100% agree. escalated straight to head of the school/department, who is detached from the situation and has a process to follow (presumably involving authorities)

One of my sons schools had a case where someone was suspected, and from my understanding the school spoke to the police about it, and given the lack of any concrete evidence against one specific they, opted to send out a school-wide e-mail encouraging parents to talk to their kids and check their phone instead. Not a funny e-mail to get but frankly I'd rather that than find a random teacher had been tasked with it on the basis of suspicion that someone in school had been spreading something.