Comment by chasil

16 days ago

There is a vast supply of thorium 232, produced as waste in rare earth mining. Why breed uranium?

"Natural thorium is usually almost pure 232-Th, which is the longest-lived and most stable isotope of thorium, having a half-life comparable to the age of the universe. Its radioactive decay is the largest single contributor to the Earth's internal heat; the other major contributors are the shorter-lived primordial radionuclides, which are 238U, 40K, and 235U in descending order of their contribution.

"[Thorium] is the 37th most abundant element in the Earth’s crust with an abundance of 12 parts per million.

"The low demand makes working mines for extraction of thorium alone not profitable, and it is almost always extracted with the rare earths, which themselves may be by-products of production of other minerals."

Thorium 232 is barely fissile - it has a net negative neutron balance during fission. Uranium-233 is similarly neutron absorbing (half the time).

So you can’t run a reactor with just Thorium 232, and maintaining a decent fuel balance can be tricky once you start due to odd fission neutron ratios between the parent fuels and daughter products and long time delays (half life wise) until you get Uranium-233. About 30 days half life.

Certainly not impossible, but pretty awkward compared to other options.