Comment by rnewme

15 days ago

There were more dates, including illegal aquirement of shopping cart on her side for me (she drove it in public transport across half of the city during night), stop sign from me to her (new, unpacked, found on a construction site, NOT removed from street!) and broken fire extinguisher from her again (saw a pile behind a local stadium and somehow got through the fence).

My wife is not the same lady, she prefers store bought items, however she does appreciate my resourcedulness. As a well paid professional and somewhat functional member of society I have minimizedy trash utilization activities (I lack space in our new town).

Ok that was a fun answer, thank you!

I don’t mean to boast but I’m kind of a big deal—I was able to get 3 shopping carts off the free section of Craigslist when a local food bank discarded them. One awesome part about living here in the Seattle suburbs is excellent free stuff that doesn’t even require larceny to obtain.

My wife is tolerant of these activities too but prefers I stay out of dumpsters. How dare she ;)