Comment by pas

15 days ago

other ASTs are trees too :)

> It's tricky when doing iteration ...

and that's my problem, that in the name of simplicity everything nice is thrown out. and "don't even think about it" and "you are holding it wrong" is the official motto. sure, I'm happy to adapt if I feel I got something in return, ie. memory safety with Rust, powerful type system in Scala, etc.

all in all, sure, it's Turing-complete, and obviously millions of people already grok it and are productive in Lisps, but to me - and apparently to the vast majority of programmers - it's too foreign.

> I'm happy to adapt if I feel I got something in return

Lisp is not a silver bullet. Whatever you can do with lisp, you can do with C or with JavaScript. What's different is how you do it. And it turns out that it's easier to create elegant solutions in Lisp as the mental model is heavily based on mathematics (lambda calculus). It's a different models of computing and solutions you're used to may no longer applied. Instead you reach out to a new way of solving the problem.

When I say iteration is tricky, it's that most of the time, you relying on some mutable state to do the looping (i counter) and early termination, but in CL and Clojure, there often are easier ways.

I'd recommend learning about computing models. Some solutions are easier to solve in one than the others. And now computers are powerful enough that we don't have to worry about performance (that often) and we can focus on creating better programs.

> memory safety with Rust, powerful type system in Scala

... easy and seamless user-defined compiler extensions with lisp