Comment by toss1

3 months ago

>>" all states are authoritarian"

If you believe that, you believe in rendering language meaningless

Authoritarianism is on a spectrum, and there is a MASSIVE difference between very authoritarian states like Russia and China vs the USA.

If the USA operated like Russia or China, Julian Assange would have disappeared or been executed decades ago, and not be set free today.

Under more democratic societies, the institutions of government and society are all independent. In govt, the executive, legislative, judicial branches, and in society the institutions of press, academy, industry, religion, commerce, sport, community, etc. all operate largely independently of each other. Under absolute or relative authoritarianism, they are coerced to varying degrees to serve the benefit and/or whim of the executive.

Again, there is a massive difference, and I'm afraid it is you who are failing to bring thought to the conversation. Good day.