Comment by paul7986

9 days ago

All AI image and video generators must be forced to add metadata and watermarks and all uploading technology (browsers, iphone & Android SDKs, etc and websites, apps, etc) need to publish/label AI Generated or not. Then search engines worth their salt can filter out the AI crap and boom we are back to how the Internet was or if you want to see the fake crap change the filter.

> All AI image and video generators must be forced to add metadata and watermarks and all uploading technology

This is already impossible because it's impossible to enforce. You can't stop something running on a random laptop, and you can't stop models running on server farms in, say, North Korea.

  • Those for profit can be forced to add watermarks/metadata and uploading tech (Google Chrome, Apple, Google Android, Firefox all what the public uses now) can be forced too.

    If it cant verify the source it could label it suspect :-). Just thinking here ... you got any other ideas or we are just going to let the Internet die by the hands of AI as Neil DeGrasse Tyson predicts or you just gonna downvote someone who tries to come up with solutions.