Comment by hu3

21 hours ago

I recommend studies about stain medication in increasing life expectancy.

We're talking years of increased life expectancy.

Sadly statin is not without its downsides.

We're talking years of increased life expectancy.

Huh? Statins are a medication type in which increases in life expectancy are extremely hard to point to all. I think they're almost a "poster child" for medications that correct a problem to an extent but whose overall benefit is quite dubious.

(and given that these medications were highly prescribed before any long term studies were finish - creating considerable incentive for people to find benefit - I'd personally wager they are overall harmful but that's me guessing - the main point is they definitely aren't boost-life-expectancy-by-years drugs but probably aren't reduce-life-expectancy-by-years drugs either, given the studies)

Link from google:

  • Every few years, the lobby inserts op-eds insisting that statins are of such indisputable benefit and zero side effects that they should go into the water supply. I understand this from the companies themselves, but I have no idea which studies are convincing normal people that this is sane.

    There is no lobbying like the lobbying for massively selling classes of drugs of dubious effect.