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Comment by f1shy

1 day ago

Oh. I learned that object orientation is primarily a way to structure data and code, such that the data is encapsulated with the code that works on it, in so called objects. So an Object is the Data, plus the functions that work on the data, an ensure that some invariants are kept. In OO parlance, that code gets executed by sending messages (calling methods).

Where can I find something about objects being "think of your code as representing the state and interactions of objects" honesty totally new to me.

So no, certainly I'm not asking ways to do OO in C. But it seems to be more definitions of object orientation as I thought...

There's no clear definition of what OO is, so the best you can do pragmatically is look at mainstream languages that are broadly recognized as OO and try to deduce the commonalities.

If you do that, you'll notice that, for example, encapsulation is not a part of that de facto definition, because languages like Python and (until recently) JavaScript lack it, despite being considered OO.

Indeed, the only two things that appear to be consistently present in all OO languages are: 1) some notion of object identity as distinct from object state, and 2) runtime polymorphic dispatch.

> Where can I find something about objects being "think of your code as representing the state and interactions of objects" honesty totally new to me.

I’m scratching my head how you think this is materially different than what you described in your first para. s/state/data and s/interactions/methods.

If anything though I would say the GP is more aligned with the classic definition as it highlights the focus is more on the messages (interactions) themselves rather than the implementation.