Comment by belter

18 hours ago

Important reminder just in the Preface :-)

Takeaway #1: "C and C++ are different: don’t mix them, and don’t mix them up"

>Takeaway #1: "C and C++ are different: don’t mix them, and don’t mix them up"

Where "mixing C/C++" is helpful:

- I "mix C in with my C++" projects because "sqlite3.c" and ffmpeg source code is written C. C++ was designed to interoperate with C code. C++ code can seamlessly add #include "sqlite3.h" unchanged.

- For my own code, I take advantage of "C++ being _mostly_ a superset of C" such as using old-style C printf in C++ instead of newer C++ cout.

Where the "C is a totally different language from C++" perspective is helpful:

- knowing that compilers can compile code in "C" or "C++" mode which has ramifications for name mangling which leads to "LINK unresolved symbol" errors.

- knowing that C99 C23 has many exceptions to "C++ is a superset of C" :

  • The entire I/O streams (where std::cout comes from) feature is garbage, if this was an independent development there is no way that WG21 would have taken it, the reason it's in C++ 98 and thus still here today is that it's Bjarne's baby. The reason not to take it is that it's contradictory to the "Don't use operator overloading for unrelated operations" core idea. Bjarne will insist that "actually" these operators somehow always meant streaming I/O but his evidence is basically the same library feature he's trying to justify. No other language does this, and it's not because they can't it's because it was a bad idea when it was created, it was still a bad idea in 1998, the only difference today is that C++ has a replacement.

    The modern fmt-inspired std::print and std::println etc. are much nicer, preserving all the type checking but losing terrible ideas like stored format state, and localisation by default. The biggest problem is that today C++ doesn't have a way to implement this for your own types easily, Barry illustrates a comfortable way this could work in C++ 26 via reflection which on that issue closes the gap with Rust's #[derive(Debug)].

    • Remember that C++ originally didn't have variadic templates, so something like std::format would have been impossible back in the day. Back in the day, std::iostream was a very neat solution for type safe string formatting. As you conceded, it also makes it very easy to integrate your own types. It was a big improvement over printf(). Historic perspective is everything.

    • > Don't use operator overloading for unrelated operations

      This disn't stop with <iostream>, they keep doing it - the latest example I can think of is std::ranges operations being "piped" with |.

    • Over the years, I have heard numerous complaints about C++ I/O streams. Is there a better open source replacement? Or do you recommend to use C functions for I/O?

    • >No other language does this, and it's not because they can't it's because it was a bad idea when it was created, it was still a bad idea in 1998, the only difference today is that C++ has a replacement.

      Hindsight is 20/20, remember that. Streams are not that bad of an idea and have been working fine for decades. You haven't named a problem with it other than the fact the operators are used for other stuff in other contexts. But operator overloading is a feature of C++ so most operators, even the comma operator, can be something other than what you expect.

      >The biggest problem is that today C++ doesn't have a way to implement this for your own types easily, Barry illustrates a comfortable way this could work in C++ 26 via reflection which on that issue closes the gap with Rust's #[derive(Debug)].

      You can trivially implement input and output for your own types with streams.

      You appear to be a Rust guy whose motive is to throw shade on C++ for things that are utterly banal and subjective issues.

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  • C++ can seamlessly include C89 headers.

    The C library headers for libraries I write often include C11/C99 stuff that is invalid in C++.

    Even when they are in C89, they are often incorrect to include without the include being in an `extern "C"`.

    • Extern "C" around the prototypes is mandatory, otherwise your linker will search for C++ symbols, which cannot be found in the C libraries you pass it.

    • Clang supports C11 - 23 in C++, as well as some future C features like fixed-point integers. The main pain points with Clang are just the fundamental differences like void* and char, which don't typically matter much at an interoperability layer.

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    • Yeah plenty of headers first have `#ifdef __cplusplus` and then they add `extern "C"`. And of course even then they have to avoid doing things unacceptable in C++ such as using "new" as the name of a variable.

      It takes a little bit of an effort to make a header work on C and C++. A lot less effort than making a single Python file work with Python 2 and 3.

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My brief foray into microcontroller land has taught me that C and C++ are very much mixed.

It's telling that every compiler toolchain that compiles C++ also compiles C (for some definition of "C"). With compiler flags, GCC extensions, and libraries that are kinda-sorta compatible with both languages, there's no being strict about it.

_My_ code might be strict about it, but what about tinyusb? Eventually you'll have to work with a library that chokes on `--pedantic`, because much (most?) code is not written to a strict C or C++ standard, but is "C/C++" and various extensions.

  • > because much (most?) code is not written to a strict C or C++ standard, but is "C/C++" and various extensions.

    Absolutely true. I generally insist on folks learning C and C++ interoperability before diving in to all the "Modern C or C++" goodness. It helps them in understanding what actually is going on "under the hood" and makes them a better programmer/debugger.

    See also the book Advanced C and C++ Compiling by Milan Stevanovic.

Specially relevant to all those folks that insist on "Coding C with a C++ compiler", instead of safer language constructs, and standard library alternatives provided by C++ during the last decades.

  • Funny because for a long time the Microsoft MSVC team explicitly recommended compiling C code with a C++ compiler because they couldn't be arsed to update their C frontend for over two decades (which thankfully has changed now) ;)

    • That thing always baffled me, this huge company building a professional IDE couldn't figure out how to ship updates to the C compiler.

      > it is hard to say no to you, and I’m sorry to say it. But we have to choose a focus, and our focus is to implement (the standard) and innovate (with extensions like everyone but which we also contribute for potential standardization) in C++.

      I mean, yeah if it came from a two member team at a startup, sure focus on C++, understandably. But Microsoft, what happened to "Developers! Developers! Developers!"?

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    • Yeah, 12 years ago, when governments couldn't care less about nation state cyberattacks, and Microsoft was yet to be called by the Congress to testify on their failures.

  • Perfectly valid to do if you need to interface with a large C code base and you just want to do some simple OO here and there. Especially if you cannot have runtime exceptions and the like.

    This is how I managed to sneak C++ into an embedded C codebase. We even created some templates for data structures that supported static allocation at compile time.

    • Yeah, but one should provide C++ type safe abstractions on top.

      Just like one doesn't use Typescript to keep writing plain old JavaScript, then why bother.

  • I mean as long as your goal is specifically to do that I think it's fine. Using a C++ compiler to compile a C program isn't that rare.

can't believe so many people are arguing against this honestly. you don't mix them in the sense the author means. I take it these people didn't read the paragraphs this was the 'takeaway' from.

For example, the primary reason for the sentence seems to be from the text: "Many code examples in this book won't even compile on a c++ compiler, So we should not mix sources of both languages".

It's not at all about the ability to use c libraries in c++ projects or vice versa :S.... c'mon guys!

A couple of months ago, in the company I work, there was a talk from HR, where they explained how to make a good CV (the company is firing lots of people). She say: "if you have experience in programming C, you can writing just that, or, if you have lots of experience in C, is customary to write ``C++ Experience'' "

Sooo... yeah... I should definitely change company!

Bjarne should have called it ++C.

  • Nah. It's just the natural semantics -- he added stuff to C, but returned something that wasn't actually more advanced...

  • Because people choose to use pre-increment by default instead of post-increment?

    Why is that?

    • It should be ++C because with C++ the value you get from the expression is the old one.

      If you're asking why people use pre-increment by default instead of post-increment, it's mostly historical. The early C compilers on resource-constrained platforms such as early DOS were not good at optimization; on those, pre-increment would be reliably translated to a simple ADD or INC, whereas code for post-increment might generate an extra copy even if it wasn't actually used.

      For C++ this was even worse with iterators, because now it depended on the compiler's ability to inline its implementation of postfix ++, and then prove that all the copies produced by that implementation have no side effects to optimize it to the same degree as prefix ++ could. Depending on the type of the underlying value, this may not even be possible in general.

      The other reason is that all other unary operators in C are prefix rather than postfix, and mixing unary prefix with unary postfix in a single expression produces code that is easy to misunderstand. E.g. *p++ is *(p++), not (*p)++, even though the latter feels more natural, reading it left-to-right as usual. OTOH *++p vs ++*p is unambiguous.

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    • The PDP-11 that C originally targeted had address modes to support the stack. Pre-increment and post-decrement therefore did not require a separate instruction; they were free. After the PDP-11 went the way of the dodo, both forms took a machine cycle so it (mostly) became a stylistic issue. (The two operators have different semantics, but the trend to avoid side-effects in expressions means that both are most often used in a single expression statement like "++x;" or "x++;", so it comes down to your preferred style.)

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    • Why would you use post increment by default? The semantics are very particular.

      Only on very rare occasions I need post increment semantics.

      And in those cases I prefer to use a temporary to make the intent more clear

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    • Why use this operator? Like most C and C++ features the main reason tends to be showing off, you learned a thing (in this case that there are four extra operators here) and so you show off by using it even if it doesn't make the software easier to understand.

      This is not one of those beginner -> journeyman -> expert cycles where coincidentally the way you wrote it as a beginner is identical to how an expert writes it but for a very different reason. I'd expect experts are very comfortable writing either { x = k; k += 1; } or { k += 1; x = k; } depending on which they meant and don't feel an itch to re-write these as { x = k++; } and { x = ++k; } respectively.

      I'm slightly surprised none of the joke languages add equally frivolous operators. a%% to set a to the remainder after dividing a by 10, or b** to set b as two to the power b or some other silliness.

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