Comment by lazerpants

15 hours ago

Our organization (the American Federation for Aging Research) is hosting a webinar with Jay Olshansky (author of the paper) and Andrew Scott, a leading economist in longevity to discuss Jay's results on 10/22.

The gist is that this isn't quite as cut and dry as it may seem.

We also paid to make the Nature Aging paper open access.


> We also paid to make the Nature Aging paper open access.

Why not just use a preprint server like Medrxiv?

Arxiv is now the default place to publish papers in physics -- and, with that established, it seems to me that it would be for the best if more institutions, researchers, and organizations in biology, medicine, chemistry, and other areas also use preprint servers.

> We also paid to make the Nature Aging paper open access.

That’s awesome! Did you make a deal with the authors to pay for the fee during publication or is this something anyone can do by approaching the journal itself?

  • Thanks! I wasn't directly involved in that discussion, but I imagine anyone can do it. It is a requirement for some grants and for some research funders.

    Edit: if you need to know I would just ask the editor if it's an option