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Comment by lazerpants

13 hours ago

Our organization (the American Federation for Aging Research) is hosting a webinar with Jay Olshansky (author of the paper) and Andrew Scott, a leading economist in longevity to discuss Jay's results on 10/22.

The gist is that this isn't quite as cut and dry as it may seem.

We also paid to make the Nature Aging paper open access.

Event: https://www.afar.org/events/webinar-lifeexpectancy-1

> We also paid to make the Nature Aging paper open access.

That’s awesome! Did you make a deal with the authors to pay for the fee during publication or is this something anyone can do by approaching the journal itself?

  • Thanks! I wasn't directly involved in that discussion, but I imagine anyone can do it. It is a requirement for some grants and for some research funders.

    Edit: if you need to know I would just ask the editor if it's an option