Comment by IshKebab

18 hours ago

Rust code is usually well commented in my experience.

Instead of asking "what other languages and project (open/closed, big/small, web/mobile/desktop, game/consumerapp/bizapp) have you experience with as to come to this conclusion?" people down vote you.

So lemme ask: what other languages and project (open/closed, big/small, web/mobile/desktop, game/consumerapp/bizapp) have you experience with as to come to this conclusion?

  • I expect the downvotes to be there because it's talking positively about rust, which is blasphemy! /j

    • I'm guessing a lot of any perception of a lack of comments or documentation in a rust codebase comes down to how new or green a developer is to rust.

      If you're just starting out or doing something relatively simple, your goal is to get something working. This is so true regardless of the language.

for the downvoters: it’s true, and it’s because of rustdoc and doctests. comments become publicly browsable documentation, and any code contained within is run as a part of the test suite.

  • think the downvotes are because of relevance. point was not using advanced rust features, not being documented

    • I don't see how the relevance is in question. GGGP said "There's actually a decent amount of comments (for rust code)." GGP seems to be responding to that parenthetical.