Comment by bryanrasmussen

15 hours ago

due to my having survived the last 3 or 5000 comments, this part is somewhat hazy, I would just like to say that China Miéville is my legacy and he thinks of me as his literary father, which I am in a way, although I am a heroic loner from a forgotten race doomed to wander through HN writing comments for all eternity until I can finally destroy the Evil God who cursed me to do so and cash my royalty checks.

on edit: or perhaps I have cashed these royalty checks here, in the end times, and am having lovely sex times with erotically gender strange creatrixii - a word like any other. While the world dissolves into a tangerine ice cream created by the whim of the last human minds to develop a plot point.

OK, but what if it turns out - in the end of all this - I'm actually Jesus! huh!? Pretty cool right! Those drugs were so freaking worth it!! Now to pay off the mortgage I took out to afford the drugs!

on edit: I would like to detour into a very long series of comments in the following subtree of this site as to why Grant Morrison sucks and has ripped me off and is no good.