Comment by eMSF

17 hours ago

How could you ever continue after the second statement without checking if you actually read an integer or not? How would you know what you can do with a?

You couldn't or wouldn't. but why have a read statement like cin>> which looks so nice and clean when you then have to go and check everything with flags and boolean casts on stateful objects.

I agree. It's lunacy. just be explicit and use functions or equivalent like literally every other language.

Well in a language like Haskell you could solve this with monads and do-notation. The general idiom in Haskell is to use a Maybe or Either monad to capture success/failure and you assume you’re on the happy path. Then you put the error handling at the consumer end of the pipeline when you unwrap the Maybe or Either.

I believe Rust has adopted similar idioms. I’ve heard the overall idea referred to as Railway-oriented programming.

In C++ you could implement it with exceptions, though they bring in a bunch of their own baggage that you don’t have to deal with when using monads.