Comment by bamboozled

12 hours ago

Combined with getting in your car and driving absolutely everywhere (most Americans)?

This is what people also don't realize. When these sorts of people get old they become immobile as they lose what precious little of actual muscle mass they had and unsupported joints start failing left and right. Sure your life expectancy might only be 2-3 years shy. What about your health span? That's what most people are actually interested in extending when they talk about living longer.

  • Yeah, this is why I lift everyday and I plan too until I can no longer do it. Lifting is also good for mobility if done correctly. Especially deep squats.

    Hunched over old people do not have the muscle mass to help keep them upright, I guess amongst other things.

Why do people on HN think the US is special about (quantity of) driving? All wealthy non-microstate nations are driving nations. And, they drive a lot. That includes Australia.

  • Bicycle are pretty common in Europe, infrastructures are designed around it and pedestrian since the middle 90's.

    Most people still have a car but you wouldn't think about taking the car to go buy bread for instance.