Comment by browningstreet

13 hours ago

I’m forever triggering the camera app, while locking the device, on my iPhone 15 pro max. Every day, regularly.

I'm always managing to tap the top of the phone resulting in either

- opening some app that recently used location services

Or worse

- making whatever app I'm in jump to the top of its page with no way to get back to where I was short of doing a load of scrolling

How is that possible? The camera icon is in the bottom left corner of the screen and you use the physical lock button on the side to lock the iPhone.

  • If you reach for the top left corner your thumb will naturally come into contact with the bottom right corner of the screen, assuming you are holding the device one-handed (in your right hand).

    • I’m trying to picture this, but I can’t. If I hold and lock my iPhone with my right hand, I press the lock button with my thumb. If I try to reach the top left corner, I either do that with my left thumb (mostly) or index finger (sometimes), or with my right thumb (very awkward movement on a Pro Max). In none of these cases my right thumb comes in contact with the screen or even close to it. Maybe because I use the backside of my pinky finger to lock the phone in place.

  • Don’t shame the man with the extra digit projecting from his thenar eminence.

  • You can also trigger the camera by swiping right-to-left on the lock screen or from the notification pull-down.