Comment by com2kid

12 hours ago

You can do anything in C that you want to. Of course one can make v-tables and all of that, and even do inheritance.

But having the "class" keyword is nice. Having built in support for member functions is nice.

Sometimes a person just wants the simplicity of C++ 2003.

(In reality I was working on a project where our compiler only supported C++ 2003 and we had a UI library written in C++ 2003 and honestly pure C UI libraries kind of suck compared to just sprinkling in a bit of C++ sugar.)

    > You can do anything in C that you want to.

How about destructors?

  • You can obviously build any runtime system you desire in C, including one that parses and executes C code with additional features added in. The wisdom of doing this is questionable.

    Though I've actually seen macro systems that do things akin to destructors, although less automatically.