Comment by nosianu

9 hours ago

> digital historic preservation

When I hear "digital" I don't exactly associate long-term preservation with it. Do you also have a strategy for the "digital preservation" part? Websites don't live long. Storage media don't last long either.

Should such a program be made together with a partner that has a strategy for long-term (outlook of centuries) storage of digital content? Because otherwise I don't see the "preservation" aspect. The monuments will likely survive all the digitized data created from them, easily.

It's not just the data, but also ways to use it. Imagine this was done twenty years ago and it was all saved as Adobe Flash media.

I think preserving the digital media plus ensure that it will still be usable (hardware and digital format) is a monumental effort, in comparison creating the digital representation is not the hard part.

This is great feedback. I’m still at the content creation stage, aerial and terrestrial photogrammetry to produce 3D models. Hosted on sketchfab.

I really haven’t figured out a solution to host 3D models that isn’t tied to a web based private company. I.E sketchfab.

Curios if there could be an avenue of resin 3D prints of the 3D models. I always seem to loop back to “why does someone want/need this?” Which may in turn be the reason for state/county property owners refusing permission to access property.

The digital capture is indeed the easy part at the scale I’m working in - thanks again for this insight