Comment by chipdart

5 hours ago

> The entire I/O streams (where std::cout comes from) feature is garbage, if this was an independent development there is no way that WG21 would have taken it, the reason it's in C++ 98 and thus still here today is that it's Bjarne's baby.

I think this is a very lazy and somewhat conspiratorial take.

C++'s IO stream library, along with C++'s adoption of std::string, is a response to and improvement over C's standard library support for IO. That alone makes it an invaluable improvement. It's easy and very lazy to look back 30 years ago and badmouth things done back then.

It's also easy to complain about no one proposing changes when literally anyone, including you, can propose changes. The only need to do the legwork and put their money where their mouth is. The funny part is that we see frameworks putting together their own IO infrastructure and it ends up being not good, such as Qt's take on IO.

But talk is cheap and badmouthing doesn't require a pull request.