Comment by jsheard

13 hours ago

> it also opens the door for spammers to mass-produce content that isn't meant for human consumption.

What's new? Every novel class of genAI product has brought a tidal wave of slop, spam and/or scams to the medium it generates. If anyone working on a product like this doesn't anticipate it being used to mass produce vapid white-noise "content" on an industrial scale then they haven't been paying attention.

This is definitely not a new issue.

What I’m aiming for is to ensure that the NotebookLM team is aware of the impact and actively considering it. Hopefully, they are already working on tools or mechanisms to address the problem—ideally before their colleagues at YouTube and Google Search come asking for help to fight NotebookLM-generated spams :)

It's certainly easier for the creators of genAI to build detection tools than for outsiders to do so. AI audio detection is a hard problem -

  • > What I’m aiming for is to ensure that the NotebookLM team is aware of the impact and actively considering it.

    What is the impact? Have any of them attracted an audience of any meaningful size? If a month from now there are 1.3 million generated podcasts, what do you anticipate the fallout to be?

    • > If a month from now there are 1.3 million generated podcasts, what do you anticipate the fallout to be?

      Is this a rhetorical question? Because the answer for podcast indexing and search services is surely pretty obvious.

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