Comment by hactually

11 hours ago

It's a shame that folks look at this and think it's awesome but then have the dawning question of "When will Google kill it?"

People building on top of this will likely want to know what the Open Source / non doomed version will be!

Hey, I’m working on exactly that:

It’s a work in progress, and I literally just added the first foundation for note taking next to the RAG chat last night(not working yet) but it’s getting there. The plan is to build the functionality out and then migrate the codebase to an API backend so that people can make their own front-ends for their own needs. Also, it doesn’t have podcast creation or TTS, yet. They are planned, but it can transcribe and ingest a podcast for RAG chat currently.

I hope Google never kills it. It is a useful tool. But then whatever Google killed was useful too.