Comment by stavros

10 hours ago

Well, shit. I can't believe it never occurred to these obese people to just eat right!

You, sir, are a modern messiah. Well done.

A big part of the problem is that if you go to a doctor with diabetes, 90%+ he will tell you to use insulin. He won't tell you to loose weight and go on keto diet.

Still popular opinion is that eating meat and fat is bad for you (heart attack) but no many understand that eating sugar and carbs is a highway to diabetes).

In fact many people who go on keto and reverse diabetes report that doctors instead of congratulating them and telling other patients to do the same, tell them that keto diet (i.e. eating lots of meat) will give them heart attacks.

Most people don't know how bad sugar and carbs are because no one tells them.

  • Just to expand on this and clarify one point, as someone who's been keto for over 12 years, the meat part isn't even necessary. Nowadays I pretty much get all my protein from mycelium (Meati cutlets and Quorn grounds), eggs, and whey protein isolate, with plenty of healthy* saturated fats from butter, coconut milk, and heavy cream. Not that I'm a strict vegetarian, but I generally don't buy meat to cook at home anymore and no longer consider it important for a well-formulated keto diet.

    I point this out because I've gotten the impression that many seem to view keto and veganism as opposite sides of a "culture war", and use that to justify reacting to one or the other with hostility. In reality, they're entirely orthogonal. One is a range of macros while the other is an ethical philosophy, and they aren't in any way mutually exclusive.

    *: To preempt the usual comments on this, my current LDL is 54 and HDL is 57. At its lowest point a few years ago, my total cholesterol was exactly 100. I don't buy that saturated fat is necessarily unhealthy at all.

  • No doctor is going to lose their job as a result of following established guidelines.