Comment by yourapostasy

8 hours ago

> ...increasingly moving toward Donald Knuth's literate style of programming.

I've been wishing for a long time that the industry would move towards this, but it is tough to get developers to write more than performative documentation that checks an agile sprint box, much less get product owners to allocate time test the documentation (throw someone unfamiliar with the code to do something small with it armed with only its documentation, like code another few necessary tests and document them, and correct the bumps in the consumption of the documentation). Even tougher to move towards the kind of Knuth'ian TeX'ish-quality and -sophistication documentation, which I consider necessary (though perhaps not sufficient) for taming increasing software complexity.

I hoped the kind of deep technical writing at large scales supported by Adobe Framemaker would make its way into open source alternatives like Scribus, but instead we're stuck with Markdown and Mermaid, which have their place but are painful when maintaining content over a long time, sprawling audience roles, and broad scopes. Unfortunate, since LLM's could support a quite rich technical writing and editing delivery sitting on top of a Framemaker-feature'ish document processing system oriented towards supporting literal programming.