Comment by gerdesj

7 hours ago

"1. bytes are 8 bits"

How big is a bit?

This doesn't feel like a serious question, but in case this is still a mystery to you… the name bit is a portmanteau of binary digit, and as indicated by the word "binary", there are only two possible digits that can be used as values for a bit: 0 and 1.

A bit is a measure of information theoretical entropy. Specifically, one bit has been defined as the uncertainty of the outcome of a single fair coin flip. A single less than fair coin would have less than one bit of entropy; a coin that always lands heads up has zero bits, n fair coins have n bits of entropy and so on.

  • That is a bit in information theory. It has nothing to do with the computer/digital engineering term being discussed here.

    • This comment I feel sure would repulse Shannon in the deepest way. A (digital, stored) bit, abstractly seeks to encode and make useful through computation the properties of information theory.

      Your comment must be sarcasm or satire, surely.

How philosophical do you want to get? Technically, voltage is a continuous signal, but we sample only at clock cycle intervals, and if the sample at some cycle is below a threshold, we call that 0. Above, we call it 1. Our ability to measure whether a signal is above or below a threshold is uncertain, though, so for values where the actual difference is less than our ability to measure, we have to conclude that a bit can actually take three values: 0, 1, and we can't tell but we have no choice but to pick one.

The latter value is clearly less common than 0 and 1, but how much less? I don't know, but we have to conclude that the true size of a bit is probably something more like 1.00000000000000001 bits rather than 1 bit.

A bit is either a 0 or 1. A byte is the smallest addressable piece of memory in your architecture.

  • Technically the smallest addressable piece of memory is a word.

    • I don't think the term word has any consistent meaning. Certainly x86 doesn't use the term word to mean smallest addressable unit of memory. The x86 documentation defines a word as 16 bits, but x86 is byte addressable.

      ARM is similar, ARM processors define a word as 32-bits, even on 64-bit ARM processors, but they are also byte addressable.

      As best as I can tell, it seems like a word is whatever the size of the arithmetic or general purpose register is at the time that the processor was introduced, and even if later a new processor is introduced with larger registers, for backwards compatibility the size of a word remains the same.

    • Every ISA I've ever used has used the term "word" to describe a 16- or 32-bit quantity, while having instructions to load and store individual bytes (8 bit quantities). I'm pretty sure you're straight up wrong here.

    • Depends on your definition of addressable.

      Lots of CISC architectures allow memory accesses in various units even if they call general-purpose-register-sized quantities "word".

      Iirc the C standard specifies that all memory can be accessed via char*.

  • Which … if your heap always returns N bit aligned values, for some N … is there a name for that? The smallest heap addressable segment?