Comment by nonameiguess

6 hours ago

I don't want to denigrate the whole community or anything as quite a lot of thought-provoking and interesting reading has come out of it over the years, but I can't help but recall very serious defense of the notion of quantum immortality on LessWrong after Eliezer's fairly convincing rants that any serious scientist has to conclude multiple worlds is the only sensible interpretation of quantum mechanics. If you honest to God take this to its logical conclusion, then wiping out all life in your particular branch of the multiverse may very well be the right move if it doubles utility in 51% of all possible universes.

I don't actually buy that argument and think it's insane, but it would not remotely surprise me if SBF believed it, and if you do, then you don't really observe the Kelly criterion. You take the ruin for the larger team of other yous that collectively wins. If the density of quantum branches in which he funded colonization of the galaxy is greater than the density in which he is serving life in prison, it was worth it.