Comment by taiki

10 years ago

I'm struggling to find any sort of counter argument that isn't, "But we get to make something cool!" Which is wrong, because most of our time, we're coding up something that shits CSVs so someone can go into a meeting and highlight some menial point to other managers.

Yea, I had big dreams of working on compilers and kernels only to realize i'll probably be working on ecommerce sites for the rest of my life.

> I'm struggling to find any sort of counter argument that isn't, "But we get to make something cool!" Which is wrong, because most of our time, we're coding up something that shits CSVs so someone can go into a meeting and highlight some menial point to other managers.

"We get to make something cool!" is not the same as "Everything we make is cool!" I'm not a professional programmer, but it seems to me that, if you're not also (in addition to your job) programming in your spare time for the sheer joy of creating, then you're probably not the best programmer you could be.

  • I also meant to say that even if we do eventually make something cool, the crushing realities of working as a software developer still sucks.

    Granted, if you're a Googler or Amazonite, or otherwise working for a decent company, this isn't true. But most software developers aren't Googlers or what have you.